Log Jammer Memories

Like many Pittsburghers (present or former), I was surprised when I found out today that Kennywood will be retiring the Log Jammer ride after 42 years of service. The last chance to ride this Kennywood mainstay is this Sunday, September 17th. Kennywood intends to replace the Log Jammer with a new ride, rumors have it as a new roller coaster or a return of the beloved Turnpike ride. The log chute water ride first opened in 1975 and was the park's first million dollar ride. It was one of three water rides within the park - the Pittsburgh Plunge and the Raging Rapids being the other. Compared to the park's other two water rides, the Log Jammer was the most gentile. The ride was a 1,650 foot out and back consisting of two drops - a 27 foot plunge about halfway through and the final 53 foot drop which was the main feature. The ride was a great family ride for those that didn't want to get drenched but still wanted to cool off on a hot summer's day....