Salina Bridge & General Refractories Plant

In Northern Westmoreland County, there is a little known - and little traveled - bridge over the Kiskiminetas River that connects the village of Salina on the Westmoreland County side with the village of Edmon on the Armstrong County side.  The Salina Bridge, built in 1906, is one of the oldest standing bridges of its style in the state.

The nearly 700 foot long Parker through truss bridge saw a major rehabilitation in 1978.  However, continued deterioration has led to a 10 ton weight limit and the state is currently debating on whether to repair or replace the bridge.

Salina was a company town of the Kier Firebrick Company.  Most of the homes were built at the start of the 20th century.  The Kier Firebrick company would eventually become the General Refractories Company.  The former plant sat on the Salina side of the bridge.  The plant was eventually demolished and all that remains is a concrete pad.

All photos taken by post author - December 24, 2008.

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