Keefers Mill Covered Bridge


Spanning 75 feet across the Chillisquaque Creek on Keefer Mill Road near Washingtonville in Montour County, Pennsylvania is the Keefers Mill Covered Bridge. Also known as the Keefer Covered Bridge No. 7 in Montour County's covered bridge inventory, it is the only remaining bridge that is located entirely within Montour County, although some covered bridges cross the border of the county. The bridge was built in 1853 by George Butler at a cost of $498.00. Butler designed and built the covered bridge using a Burr arch truss design.

The site of the Keefers Mill Covered Bridge was near Geringer's Mill, but not much is known of that mill. However, records do list the builder of the mill as George W. Keefer, who built a number of mills and covered bridges throughout north central Pennsylvania and it is quite possible that the covered bridge was named for Keefer. The covered bridge was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979 and was rehabilitated in 1983 after sitting idle since 1976. Funds from liquid fuel taxes were used to rehabilitate the covered bridge, and $38,500 was used from that tax fund for its reconstruction.

As you may notice, the covered bridge has a square opening, which is unusual for covered bridges found in Pennsylvania. The panels at the bridge's portals that give the Keefers Mill Covered Bridge that unique look create a square opening that are called storefront panels. If you are visiting the bridge, you will find that it is set on a quiet road. There are a couple of pulloffs near the bridge that are small enough for a single car to fit. There are a few trees located along the Chillisquaque Creek that lend to the covered bridge's surroundings, but seem to get in the way for bridge photography.

How to Get There:

Sources and Links:
Valley Girl Views - Keefers Mill Covered Bridge - Keefer Covered Bridge 38-47-03
UncoveringPA - Visiting the Covered Bridges of Montour County, PA

Update Log:
February 18, 2022 - Crossposted to Gribblenation -


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