PennDOT Road Sign Sculpture Garden in Meadville, Pennsylvania

The PennDOT Road Sign Scultpture Garden in Meadville, Pennsylvania is a joint public art project between PennDOT and Allegheny College that began in 2002 to give a distinct look to Meadville's gateway from the west. Using recycled signs and tires, it is truly one of a kind. The sign garden is located at a Meadville PennDOT residency at US 6, US 19 and US 322's junction with PA 102, east of Interstate 79 and west of downtown Meadville. I've had a few occasions to check out the sign sculpture garden myself and I fully endorse recycling signs in this manner. It's a nice little stop to stretch your legs. I took the following pictures in September 2007.

One of the first parts of the project, and what you'll notice first if you are coming from the west, is the Signs and Flowers part of the art exhibit. This is also next to where you would likely park your car if you wanted to stop and take a look around.

It's a flower garden... of signs.

Blooming sign flower.

Blooming sign flower.

There's also a wall of signs called the Read Between the Signs mural that is alongside the highway as well which is worth checking out. 1200 feet of signs in all from what I'm told.

Gives you a little perspective on how tall the signs are.

And how long the sign wall goes on for.

Up, up and away!

Ferris Wheel.

Do 6!

Signs in the weeds.

Signs about town.

Some other articles about the sign garden...

Also, see my complete set of photos from the sign garden on Flickr.

How to Get There:
Crossposted from my blog post at


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